I felt that our shoot day went fairly well, considering the amount of things that didn’t go according to plan. The day started off a little behind schedule, as we couldn’t get up to the room in which we were shooting until about 10 due to the occupant having a lie-in. By the time we had everything set up and didn’t almost burn the light (oops!), it was close to 11 and we began shooting. Or we like to imagine that we did. In reality, we hadn’t actually prepared a shot list, and we spent probably a good half an hour faffing around doing that, and working out from which angle we were going to do each shot. This was because we hadn’t all seen the room at this stage, and it was a different shape to how I had envisioned in the storyboard. Also we hadn't really considered costume at this point, we just told both Rose and Jake to wear their normal clothes. However Courtney decided to take Rose down to her room to find a costume more suitable.
Once all that was out of the way, we decided to get cracking, and the first few shots went pretty well, it was only when we got to the shot when Ellie (played by Rose) had to throw the ripped monkey at the walls and smash the mirror that our first real mistake occurred. While practicing the shot, Rose actually smashed the mirror, which was OK, because we caught it on film, but it wasn’t a great shot and there is a medley of swearwords at the end. The only thing that annoys me about this shot is the fact that the camera was locked as the mirror fell off the shelf, meaning I couldn't tilt the camera and follow it down. Hopefully it will still have the same effect as we had originally hoped, because it was our only mirror and we’re going to have to use it as it was our only take! (at least the sound was good!) From then on we had to improvise the next few shots to get back onto our original storyboarded plan, which meant we had to try and guess how these cuts were going to match with Matt’s (played by Jake) actions. By this time we had to go for lunch, and we realised it had taken us all this time just to get 6 shots, so while eating, we sat down and planned everything else we needed to do for Ellie’s part and began doing the shot list for Matt.
Back on location after lunch and we got the rest of the shots by 3, including a fantastic one shot by Sophia, where we zoom in on Ellie’s eyes looking down and then they look up slowly and creepily. Also a good effect was the fake blood which she smeared on the photos pinned up on the wall and then goes oddly calm and plucks one off the wall and burns in front of her.
One of the elements that annoyed me about the first half of the shoot was all the safety rules we had to follow, as Ellie was meant to just break the mirror, but then Adam decided that for safety reasons she should pretend to hit it and then we would film his hand close up breaking it. If we had stuck to the original plan, then the shot would have looked a lot better as I have a feeling Rose is tying not to hit the mirror and might look a bit half hearted. The other thing we had to change was we weren’t allowed to burn the photo in the room and had to go to the studio. I can see why we needed to do this, but we could have put some foil down on the floor and had a fire extinguisher handy in the room.
Next we went to the Turrets (which is an annexe of one of the boarding houses) and things went a lot more smoothly, as we had planned out exactly what we were going to shoot in what order. At this point I took over as director, and let Courtney and Nina take charge of the camera. All of the shots went as planned except for the last one where he had to light a cigarette and fall backwards down onto the bed. What had happened was the cigarettes had snapped in my pocket somehow, and due to this we have a quite bizarre shot of Matt lighting a stub and then burning himself as he tries to light it. The only thing I am concerned about is the lighting in the Turrets, as by the time we finished up there it was close to 5 o'clock and we were rapidly losing light. As the two sequences are meant to be happening simultaneously, we need the light to be the same in both.
On the whole, I feel the day went well, but we really won't know until we get up into the studio on Monday to see our handywork.